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Monday, June 16, 2008

Love tips-15

Flower Meanings
By A Fuller
Various flowers come with various meanings and by knowing what each is you can send your loved one the right flowers for the right occasion. To some people this may seem like a trival piece of information to know but after sending someone flowers you will normally recieve a thankyou phone call to which you can add the meaning of the flowers showing an extra meaning and thoughtfullness to your gift.

Carnations remain one of the most popular flowers in the world as well as being one of the oldest varieties. Carnations are a symbol of love and fascination, they are a perfect gift for a loved one for any occassion. Carnations are available in a wide variety of colours.

Gerbera's are an extremely popular flower variety through florists, due to their large long and bright petals. They represent beauty and innocence and can be found in a large variety of extremly beautiful colours.

Tulips have a very distinct look about them, thus their meaining of grace and elegance and love. Another popular choice for a loved one.

Roses are without a doubt the most recognisable and popular flower. With

each colour of the rose having a different meaning.Red are for love and romance, the perfect rose to give to a lover. Pink is for appreciation and admiration and as a slightly more subtle alternative to the red. Yellow symbolise friendship and joy, white is for honour and for remembrance. Orange for desire and enthusiasm.

Love tips-14(The Art Of Selecting The Best Wines)

By Suki Hendrajaya
Wines have always been part of people’s culture—and even history. Even before the days of mythologies, there was already Bacchus, the god of wines. Kings and queens all over the world dined with the best wines.

Today, wines come in many forms and tastes that choosing the best one has become even more difficult. What are the rules when it comes to best wines?

1. Understand the basic rule for best wines. Wines complete a fine-dining experience, so when you’re stuck with one, keep in mind the cardinal rule. As they say, when you’re eating meat, make sure you pair it with red wine. The white wine, on the other hand, is fit for chicken and seafood.

2. Go for chardonnay for something creamy. You may end up in cocktails too where foods are usually paired with cream sauces. Sometimes you may have to content yourself in a cheese party. Whatever situation you’re in, however, make sure that you get to pick creamy wine, including Merlot and Chardonnay.

3. Choose your best wines based on personality. If you ever get invited in a get-together, and you’re asked to bring the best wines, ensure that they’re something they can all drink. It will be ideal if you can start with safe wines, such as red and white wine. They’re very basic, and most likely, the guests have already tasted them. If you like something heavy but aren’t sure how other attendees are going to take them, go for merlot, especially the softer ones, rather than heavy wines.

4. Think of the price. You have to remember that majority of the best wines are not free. Of course, the rarer the wine the more expensive it gets. So before you shop for bottles of them, consider your budget. Nowadays, costly ones are priced $30 and above. If you’re in a tight budget, you can always select those that are $15 or less. It’s best to contact dealers of the best wines in town to know beforehand how much each bottle costs. To save you time, you can always look for

them in the World Wide Web., for example, can give you great deals to rarest but best wines and spirits.

5. Study the wine that you’re going to buy. Observing your wine goes a long way. If it’s possible, you can always ask the salesperson to have you smell or take note of the appearance of the wine. This is to ensure that you’re picking high-quality bottles of the best wines. You may ask for a portion of their tester to be poured in a transparent glass so you can also notice its movement.

6. Read more about best wines. If you’re truly serious about wines or you’re curious about them, you can always look up to great resources that you can find all over the World Wide Web or even in books. You can also read reviews from great food critics. Their articles are normally published in the Food Section of your local dailies.

In the end, what’s important is your preference for best wines. Definitely, you shouldn’t drink wine just because everybody is. More so, make sure that the wine you have chosen is something that you love. Or else, you will never appreciate the art of drinking best wines.

Love tips-13

We Change The Course Of Our Lives When We Stop Living In The Past!
By Amelia Johnson
Habitual fretters refuse to change the course of their lives which is why they see more trouble than others. They are never so well as their neighbors. The weather never suits them. The climate is trying. The winds are too high or too low; it is too hot or too cold, too damp or too dry. The roads are either muddy or dusty. There are a vast number of fidgety, nervous, and eccentric people who live only to expect new disappointments or to recount their old ones.

Our past helps us better understand our present. Taking a hard look at our present also helps us better understand our past.
What keeps us living in our past? Do we deny that we are living in our past? Do people remember us talking about our past or the changes we are making in the course of our life?

We enjoy talking about those people that meant the most to us as we were growing up but is it healthy to feel their loss so much that we continue to haunt the neighborhoods where we used to live? Perhaps we are alone now and yearn for the comfort of their words and our past home. Does this grasp on our hearts prevent us from allowing the people presently around us to comfort and us now?

Do the beliefs from our childhood about poverty and abandonment cause us to be overachievers in our jobs but underachievers in our personal relationships and marriage? As old friends change the course of their lives, are we able to make new friends or do we keep trying to re-create the bonds that we had with the old friends that are no longer there for us?

When we grow up feeling overly concerned about what others think of us, do we transfer this to how we think God will feel about us? Will our need for ever be satisfied? Will we always feel lonely and depressed? Will we continue to need acceptance and approval from others as well as ourselves? Will we allow ourselves to grow on a personal level in order to change the course of our lives?

Understanding our past and its effect on our present life can help us change the course of our lives. Through our faith in God, we are free to understand our beliefs that came from our past experiences and determine what role they will play in our lives. We can release our destructive behaviors which lead to even more frustration and create more pain. We can allow ourselves to become important to those that are currently

in our lives instead of reserving that love only for those that have already left us. We can become loving again.

By going back to the past to explore the truth about our past lives we are able to grow on a spiritual, mental and emotional level for the present which leads to a healthy future. We need to grow out of our comfort zone and let go of our preconceived notions to be able to love those in our present and allow ourselves to love in the future.

Many people may be inspired by the stories of our past. Some may be encouraged by them. However, we are living today. What are we doing today for our God? What we are doing today is far more powerful than what happened yesterday. In the past, we received from others. Now it is our time to give, to teach, to equip, to encourage, and to love others.

Will you allow God to work through you today? The future may never come. The future has no history or no present reality. The future does not shape us. Today we are the ones to lead so that others may have hope for the future. Today is the gift that we give back to God. Through our giving back, we can change the course of our lives as well as the lives of others.

Love tips-12

By Chris Robertson
The truth be told, our pets are like members of our family - only better. They never second-guess us, their is unconditional, their companionship sees us through lonely times, and they're with us through thick and thin. Unlike our human families, though, our pets are unable to take care of themselves. It's up to us to find the pet related services that they need in order to live long and healthy lives.

An Online Pet Directory

Thanks to the Internet, it's possible to find a wealth of pet related services close to wherever you may be. If you live in New South Wales, for example, you can easily use an online pet services directory to find a breeder, a pet shop, or a vet in your area. If you're on holiday with your pet and he or she gets sick or is injured, you can quickly go online to find a nearby vet.

More than Pet Supplies

An online directory of pet related services can be much more than a source for pet supplies, or a tool to find a listing for a pet store near your home. It can also provide pet lovers and would-be pet owners with an abundance of information about all kinds of pet-related topics. For example, if you're considering setting up an aquarium, the dizzying array of tanks and supplies can be paralyzing. You need sound advice on the differences between freshwater and saltwater aquariums, which among the hundreds of varieties of fish you should choose, and the steps you can take to ensure that your fish thrive.

Likewise, you might be considering adopting a dog, but aren't sure if your lifestyle is one that's compatible with dog ownership. A comprehensive pet related services site will discuss the issues involved with adopting and caring for a dog, as well as offer guidelines for finding reputable organizations from which to adopt a dog.

Or, perhaps you have rabbits and would like to add a guinea pig to your family. You may not know that rabbits and guinea pigs aren't compatible because the species tend to fight,

or that feeding guinea pigs food made for rabbits could lead to a vitamin C deficiency in the guinea pigs. Whether you have a cat, bird, horse, or reptile, a good website will give you the information and support you need to ensure that your pets lead long, happy lives.

An Online Community

People who love their pets - and who doesn't? - love to talk about them, learn more about their favorite breeds, and find new sources of pet products. There are websites offering pet related services that also enable you to post and read pet classified ads, let you sign up for free newsletters, and offer you the latest in pet supplies.

Finding an informative pet related services site will provide you with everything from vets and breeders to articles and products designed to keep you up to date and your beloved pets with the best owners they could wish for.

Love tips-11(Is Love Enough To Save You From Divorce?)

By Roberto Bell
Sometimes divorce might look like the only solution for a bleak marriage but if there are still feelings there, it is never too late. If you still love your partner, the rest can be worked on. Perhaps love for one another is the only thing you feel you still have in common.

Maybe you cannot talk without arguing or fighting. Maybe you feel you partner has been neglecting you for years and will never change. Maybe you have not been sexually intimate for a long time and this will never get better. The fact remains that you still one another, even with all of these other problems and issues.

It helps to think about what your relationship was like before it started becoming problematic. It was obviously far better, else you never would have got married. There are exceptions, of course, such as marrying because of an accidental pregnancy, even though you didn't know each other well enough, but usually a couple who were happy once can find this happiness again. They just have to know where to look and what to do.

If communication seems to have broken down, a marriage counselor might be the one to help you find it again. Very often, when a couple is having serious marital problems, they stop communicating, or their communication is limited to fights and verbal abuse. Having a third party present, who knows what to ask and will set the couple goals, can be very helpful. It does not always save the marriage but is worth a try if nothing else seems to be successful.

Intimacy problems, less sexual activity or lack of variety can be causes of a dysfunctional

A trial separation might work too (or it might backfire). If you find it impossible to live together and separate, you might find it even worse to live without one another and miss each other enough to give it another go.

If your marriage has hit the rocks, getting as far away from your partner is probably something that sounds appealing but this is simply a case of running away from your problems rather than tackling them head on and trying to find a solution.

You need to realize that men and women are fundamentally different and even perceive words a

different way and express their emotions differently. Women tend to talk about emotions, and show them, more than men, but that doesn't mean men don't feel them as strongly. A woman might demonstrate her love for her husband by cooking, cleaning and raising the children. A man might show his by working hard to earn enough to maintain nice house for his family, and then wanting to spend time with his wife in the evenings. He might be surprised when the woman doesn't want to sit with him on the couch to relax, or says she is too busy with the children, and take this as a rejection rather than the fact she is genuinely busy. This is where compromise is needed. He can help her with the children so they are bathed and in bed more quickly, then they will have some time on the couch, enjoying each other's company. This is just an example but if he said and did nothing, he would feel resentful and she would wonder why he was in a bad mood. This would lead to resentment with the only reason being inadequate communication.

The main thing is this – if you one another, divorce can be avoided. Communication and mutual respect are paramount and if you actively strive for a better relationship, your marriage has a great chance to be successful.

Love tips-10(Chocoholic Gift Baskets Solution)

There exists within this world a certain means to both celebrate the good and counter the negativity in another’s life. What is this strategy which grants someone a certain type of precious commodity loved by all? The answer is sending Chocoholic Gift Baskets to make someone’s life a bit sweeter.

The beloved cacao bean has made possible the creation of various types of chocolate among the most popular flavors in the world. The dark, milk and white varieties have established themselves as favorites among millions around the globe. The pleasure of consuming this finery has been experienced by most and is the go-to treat for many when in need of a rebound from the humdrum.

That’s why Chocoholic Gift Baskets can be the ultimate way for you or anyone else to give out their best wishes. That, of course, means birthdays, anniversaries, weddings or other events in which congratulations are in order. They can also hit the bulls-eye when you wish to send someone your thanks for a favor bestowed you when you most needed it.

They can also lift the spirits of those in your life who have been challenged by health situations or experienced the loss of a loved one. Chocolate sure has the capacity to raise anyone up when the circumstances of life have gotten the better of them. Has your life ever been given a new charge after a sampling of this treat melted in your mouth? Probably so!

Take the advice of and send Chocoholic

Gift Baskets to make the world a better place for those who are fortunate enough to know you. Find a worthy online purveyor of these treasures and pick the one that will give your best expression of the positive. Type in the necessary shipping, billing and safe credit card information and let it happen.

You know that chocolate is universally cherished and now have a way to send it to those who truly deserve it. How can this not be the best gift-giving strategy possible?

Love tips-09(Memorial Jewelry: Having Your Departed Loved One Close At Heart Through An Urn Neckla)

By RajeshT
Cremation jewelry has gained popularity in the recent years. As more and more people became aware about the possibility of this kind of remembrance, the more popular it had become. Cremation jewelries usually come in the form of an urn necklace, pendant or locket, and come in various styles. Each and every keepsake necklace is designed in such a way that it contains a small space to contain and seal your loved one's ashes.

Why need remembrance jewelry?

Memorial jewelry provides a good opportunity for you, for family members and close friends to have a memento of your departed loved one, in remembrance of the precious time you have spent together. In most cases, this can serve as an excellent starting point for you to find your own path to closure. It allows you to physically and emotionally keep them close at heart. Death is seldom easy to deal with. However, having an urn necklace to symbolize the eternal presence of your loved one will surely help you cope. We truly hope that you can make a good start and achieve stability and comfort through a simple memorial necklace during this most difficult time.

Types of Cremation Jewelry

An urn necklace can be worn just like a regular jewelry. All keepsake necklace designs have elegant and sophisticated touches that are a must for all jewelries. There are a wide number of remembrance jewelry designs available today. Urn jewelry comes in all forms, shapes and sizes. They are usually made of sterling silver, pewter, 14k gold, brass, cobalt or glass. Some higher end pieces of keepsake necklaces can be studded with gemstones such as onyx, ruby amethyst, or even diamonds.

Most remembrance jewelry makers offer the option of personalizing your keepsake necklace with the name of your loved one who passed away, their life dates and short messages you want engraved. You can even have your loved one's image engraved on the necklace. Personalized urn jewelry is surely an effective way to remind you to never forget.

Most Famous Types of Urn Jewelry

Different styles of urn jewelry are available to suit every preference. The most popular designs today are as follows:

Heart Shaped Urn Necklace :- The heart is a shape that symbolizes love. What better design would it be than a

heart-shaped remembrance jewelry to memorialize your departed loved one.Heart shaped urns come in sterling silver, brass, 14k gold, pewter and gold vermeil. Some of them have engraved designs, others can have diamonds and other gems on them, and they are easiest to personalize based on your instructions.

Cross Urn Jewelry:- Cross keepsake necklaces are very popular among Christians. They also come in various designs and material (some with gems and stones) and may be personalized with letterings and dates.

Vessel-Type or Cylindrical Remembrance Jewelries:- Urn pendants in the shape of vessels as well as cylindrical keepsake urns worn as necklaces are also popular. They are unique and timeless, and are usually made with etched designs. Keepsake jewelry made of glass, crystal; brass and filigree are the most widely used.

Death is never an easy phase to deal with. However, little as it is, cremation jewelry can help you cope with the loss. Having your loved one still close in thought and in memory through memorial jewelry can provide you with the stability and comfort that you will need in these trying times.

Love tips-08(Why Sleep Apnea Side Effects Can Be Dangerous)

By Deborrah
A young woman wrote in to my dating advice column recently and asked me: "What qualities are absolutely essential in a partner or in an ideal relationship? I have a pretty huge list and want to share some of them with you

o affectionate
o unconditional love for each other
o emotional support, connection and harmony
o caring, kind, compassionate
o easygoing, calm
o stability, commitment, loyal
o understanding, accepting (accepts me as I am)
o tolerant
o appreciation and love for each other
o enjoys intimacy regularly
o sense of humor
o positive outlook (happy and optimistic)

I am seeking this man and hope to find this type of love some day. What do you think of my list?"

My response was probably not what she wanted to hear, but with almost 20 years of experience in dating and relationships industry, I know this young lady is headed for disappointment. Her list is created from girlish childhood fantasies of the Knight swooping in to save the fair maiden. Her list is to me nothing but fantasy from a young woman that has obviously never been married.

Hey, I'm not saying that men cannot be honest, loving, committed and many of the things on the list above, don't get me wrong! But real men are not perfect by any means. Even if a guy did possess all of her listed qualities, they won't be in evidence every single day!

He is going to mess up sometimes, piss her off, and definitely not be the man of her dreams. So I can say with confidence that the man she dreams of only exists in soap operas, fairy tales and romance novels. He is not a real man.

If you are passing up great partners and dismissing them as unsuitable while you seek the romantic fantasy of "unconditional love" you need to stop. Take that qualification off your list and

get real. Everything has conditions.

And people will stop loving you if you do things on their "crossed the line" list, as well they should! Expecting that you can treat others any way you want and that they will keep loving you anyway is unrealistic.

Why would anyone with good sense continue to love and care for someone that intentionally did something foul and disrespectful, with the full intent of harm or using them?

For instance, a woman who whines and cries claims to still love a man even though he hurt her children or parents, or committed a violent crime against someone's daughter is a fool. That man would have crossed all barriers of decency and humanity and he should be left in the dust.

When involved in any relationship, we must all decide what our bottom line is. Some people will continue to love and support their friends, children and family members even if they do something on the 'crossed off' list.

However, my standard on this issue is this: Anyone that hits me, hurts my child, hurts my Mom or Dad or brothers gets no love from me! You steal my money you are out. You do anything foul and funky with intent to harm me, you are out. And I don't care who you are.

To me, unconditional love under those circumstances makes no sense and means you care more about someone else than you do yourself. Sadly, the attitude of "I hate myself but I love you" goes hand in hand with a damaged sense of self and low self-esteem, which is almost epidemic in our society.

I strongly suggest that all women eliminate the fantasy of unconditional love in their romantic relationships. Establish boundaries for proper treatment and respect and enforce them 100%! NEVER waste your time or your loving heart loving someone that has clearly demonstrated that they do not love you back.

Love tips-07(How To Know When To Listen To Your Head Or Your Heart)

By Wendy Bridger.
Being in love can be so confusing! Instead of the typical angel and devil, it's like you have your heart on one shoulder and your mind on the other. They are constantly arguing about the love in your life.

Your heart says, he's better than I ever could have imagined, and I just can't get enough of him. I'm miserable when he's not there, and it feels like it's meant to be! I've never been as happy as I have been with him. Then your mind speaks up. Yeah, right, that's what Rebecca says about her loser fianc. Remember, love is blind? Try to think logically about this!

Love almost always feels this way, especially at first. Your heart is racing, and excited. You realize that you are crying with the sappy songs on the radio. You keep wondering how you got so lucky to be with this incredible guy. At the same time, your mind is screaming stop! Think this through! You look at your best friend and her miserable marriage. They describe their meeting very similarly to your present circumstance. Are you blindly heading in the same direction?

Who should win this battle? Should you listen to your irrational but happy heart, or your sensible but impersonal mind? The answer is to listen to both. God gave you each for a reason. Your mind will notice the potential pitfalls that your heart will carefully ignore. Yet, you heart will help you to take the risk to love, to serve and will not let you give up when things aren't perfect.

However, there are times when it is important to ignore either your mind or your heart. All of us know someone who allowed a perfectly good marriage fall apart because they didn't listen to their heart enough. Somehow the little things like house chores, hobbies, or differences in style were made all too paramount by the mind, and the big things that made the relationship so beautiful got lost and forgotten. It is also very common to see someone only allowing their heart to guide them in their relationship. These are the people that end up with players, liars,

and other risky types, but continue to stay in the relationship because their heart keeps telling them that they love them and will someday change.

How do you know if you are listening enough to both your mind and your heart? Often it takes being able to step outside of yourself and see things as everyone around you is seeing it. Getting an outside opinion every once in a while can also do worlds of good, as long as they are someone who knows and understands what a good relationship looks like in the first place. Another person can calm your heart to a more rational state, and assist you in easing the mind's discomfort.

Find ways to look at him from someone else's perspective. This will help you notice things you wouldn't normally and help you figure out who he is really beyond the infatuation of your heart and the perfection that your mind demands. Then, you will find the answer we all deep down want to know without a shadow of a doubt: is he the right one for me?

Love tips-06(Hosting A Wine Tasting)

By Ian Love
Are you ready to host a wine tasting party? A wine tasting party is like no other party you will ever host. If you love wine, you will enjoy hosting a wine tasting party because the whole point of a tasting party is to savor fine wines with your friends and enjoy discussing your shared experience.

Most people who love fine wine love to talk about which wines they love the most and why. If you host a wine party, you will give your wine loving friends a forum for sharing and discussing wine favorites.

You have many options when you host a tasting party as to what types of wine you will taste at your party. You can choose to taste several wines that fit into a theme, such as wines that are French or coastal wines.

The group of wines or flight of wines that you select for your tasting party will set the tone for the entire evening, so you will want to give the matter considerable thought before choosing the type of flight you wish to offer.

Often, people choose vertical flights in which every wine offered is of the same varietals from the same winemaker but each wine a different vintage. Just as often, people choose horizontal flights in which you taste the same vintage and varietals but from several different winemakers.

If you choose a horizontal flight, you can choose to offer wines from winemakers strictly from one geographical region or you can choose to offer wines from winemakers from anywhere in the world. For example, you can choose to offer a flight of 2002 Shiraz wines only from Padthaway, or you can choose to offer a flight of 2002 Shiraz wines from all over Australia or from California or from France. Indeed, you could choose your flight of 2002 Shiraz wines from a sampling of many wine regions around the world.

If you choose a vertical flight, you will choose only one wine maker and one variety of grape, but you will choose different years that the maker made the wine. For example, you might

choose to offer a flight of Penfolds RWT Shiraz. Of this wine, your flight could consist of the 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004. While this flight might be a tad expensive, your guests would be very reluctant to turn down an invitation to such a tasting party.

Of course, you do not have to follow any rules about varietals and vintages when you host a tasting party. You might choose three white wines and three red wines to taste based on the wines that you find to be the most pleasing to your palate.

Regardless of the type of flight you offer, you should know a few other things before hosting your tasting party. You will want to pair some sort of cheese or hors d’oeurves with each wine in order to enhance the tasting experience. You should also provide bread and water between wines so that your guests can clear their palates between selections.

Love tips-05(Nothing Suits Valentine’s Day Like Flowers)

That time of the year is approaching again. You can already tell by the amount of gifts, cards and candy adorned with hearts of all shapes and colors which are on display just about everywhere. It’s Valentines Day once again and while it may be a reminder of loneliness for some, Valentines Day is also a reminder to others of the happiness that they have found. If you’re in love and you’re desperately trying to show your loved one how you feel then there’s no better opportunity than Valentines Day, indeed.

However, there is an understandable amount of anxiety that occurs when one is trying to choose the perfect Valentines Day gift for the object of his or her affection. You need to choose a gift that truly demonstrates your innermost feelings and you need to put a lot of thought into the process of selection. After all, Valentines Day comes once a year and you don’t want to ruin it by something completely inappropriate and unexpressive. You need to choose a gift that expresses the abundance of love and passion you have and you must choose carefully.

That’s why, if you just can’t find the right gift to buy for Valentines Day, you should always keep in mind that there is one gift which is suitable for everyone; Valentines flowers! Whether your prefers roses, orchids or carnations, there’s bound to be one type of Valentines Day flowers that will make your loved one happy. However, if you’re looking to go with something that’s tried and true then you can always send Valentines Day flowers in the form of an exquisite bouquet of lush red roses. After all, red roses have long been considered the most traditional of Valentines Day flowers because of the red rose’s reputation as the flower of love and passion.

Using the language of flowers is an ancient Persian custom that has been going on for years and years. If it has been working so well for centuries, it’s bound to work wonderfully for you when you choose to send Valentines Day flowers.


ancient Persia however, we are luckily living in modern times where you can easily pick and choose the bouquet or floral arrangement of your choice whether at your nearest florist or by means of various online flower shops. Not to mention, there are various options suitable for everyone’s budget. So basically, it’s never been easier to send Valentines Day flowers than it is now.

So when Valentines Day is just around the corner and you just can’t make up your mind, forget about the heart-shaped boxes of chocolate, luxurious dinners, five-star getaways and expensive jewelry. Saying “I love you” is so much simpler than that and contrary to popular opinion, it doesn’t have to break your budget for the rest of the month!

Whether you’ve been together for years or your love is still an infant, there’s nothing better than some beautiful flowers and some heartfelt words to go with them when you wish to tell that special someone how you really feel.

Love tips-04(Why You Should Give A Photo Blanket For An Anniversary)

By Derek Renald
After 50 years of precious marriage, couples deserve something special, they deserve the perfect Golden Anniversary Gift. A gift of joy, a gift of love, a gift of memories.

A photo blanket can make one tear jerking Golden Anniversary Gift. Using an original wedding photo or a special photo from that first fate filled date, a wall mural can be created. Elegant reflections of times passed, these wall murals will certainly bring back memories and tears of joy.

While photos seem the given choice for photo blankets, words can be customized as well. Maybe a golden toast or a few words of praise printed on a subtle golden background. While a picture may be worth a thousand words, a photo blanket can ensure they will be read by all. A Golden Anniversary Gift of poetry will be remembered for the next 50 years.

The Golden Anniversary couple was able to preserve their love for 50 years. Photo blankets will make certain to preserve their memory for the next 50 years. Over time photos age gracefully, but that grace eventually falls into despair when photos are no longer visible due to natural aging. A photo blanket brings new life to old

photos and passes memories on as an heirloom of love and dedication. This promise of being infinitely remembered is the ideal Golden Anniversary Gift.

Fifty years is a long time to stay in love. Celebrate that love with a photo blanket and give a Golden Anniversary Gift sure to last another 50 years.

Love tips-03

Discover How Self-love Might Be Your Missing Key To Success.
By Lynette Chartier
What does self-love have to do with finding the missing key to success in all areas of your life? Everything.

It is safe to say that most adults today have been raised to believe that self-love is conceited and arrogant. That is just not true. Simply check out the self-help and psychology sections of your local bookstore.

Self-love is about having a healthy respect for one-self and accepting your self unconditionally. It is about nurturing your mind, body and soul in order to be, do and have what you desire.

Love yourself, for if you don't, how can you expect anybody else to love you?

If you do not truly love yourself with all of your current qualities and flaws, and if you lack acceptance towards any part of yourself, it becomes difficult to really accelerate your success in that particular area. The reason being that at some subconscious level, issues of worthiness, issues of guilt and fear, issues of deserving the health, wealth, love and happiness will come up, and this will block you, whether you are aware of this or not.

Let me remind you again, that you are not broken. Nothing needs fixing. Yes, we can all improve our current qualities and traits but we are not broken.

We need to accept what is rather than resisting what is, because what you resist about yourself persists. Whatever you choose to resist in your life will persist!

So for example, if you look at yourself in the mirror and you reject your current body weight, you will have a hard time treating your body like you should and therefore losing the weight permanently.

In this scenario, it is in the energy of truly accepting your body that real change or transformation can occur. Once you accept your body weight then you will be able to make weight loss permanent.

The transformation can occur as you work on yourself because when you accept yourself as is, you will have finally dropped all judgment against yourself.

“The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely.”

In dropping the judgment, the negative mind chatter will start to slow down and eventually cease. This will make you feel differently. When you feel differently about yourself, you will be taking different actions and you will see different results.

So go ahead, stand in front of the mirror and look yourself in the eyes. Ask yourself," What am I finally ready to accept about myself that I have been rejecting? Where am I harshly judging myself?" Awareness is the first step in the change process.

When we judge our self by making negative comments such as: "I am not good enough..." "I can't do that..." " I am not smart enough..." we cause further pain and anxiety to our self.

We frequently believe that it is others who cause us the pain when in reality it is our own thoughts repeated over and over again that cause the pain. You can learn to control and reprogram your thoughts and therefore eliminate the anxiety and fear that you feel.

You may subconsciously be thinking that by judging yourself first that you are in fact protecting yourself from being judged by others. Perhaps you feel that by judging yourself first, if others then judge you, it will not hurt as much. That is erroneous thinking. By judging yourself over and over again you are the perpetrator of your own pain.

You are also responsible for the meaning you attach to the words others voice to you. Are you aware that any negative comments from others to you are about their own stuff and not yours? Do not take things so personally.

When you love yourself, you know who you are, you are solid in what you want, and

you know what you can give to others. If you feel you have to get love from others than you will act in a way as to not jeopardize that relationship. You will not feel free to say what needs to be said openly and honestly in a kind compassionate manner. You will end up not challenging spouses, kids, and co-workers to become all they can be. What you will end up with are manipulative relationships and much resentment will arise.

“You must love yourself before you love another. By accepting yourself and fully being who you are, your simple presence can make others happy.”

Throughout my teaching career, I frequently witnessed how children responded much better to sincere encouragement than to any other type of comment. The same applies to you as an adult. Self-criticism keeps you stuck and keeps you from moving forward.

Can you now begin to see that when you accept and love yourself unconditionally you will then also be able to accept and love others for where they are?

Imagine a world where people have self-love and accept themselves and others....

May I suggest that you take some quiet time to reflect and ask yourself the following questions: " On a scale of: I do not love myself at all - all the way up to - I love myself lots, how much do I currently love myself?" Next," What are the comments that I am continuously telling myself?"

If negativity is a form of addiction for you, it may take you longer to reprogram your thoughts and words.

I did mention the word "continuously" in the above question, because the process of gaining self awareness, and personal growth on your way to success, is ongoing.

We are never done or finished with growing and learning. New experiences will bring about new challenges and issues. In fact, you will either choose to be learning and growing till the day you leave this physical world or else you will choose to be among the walking dead.

Personally through reprogramming my thoughts and my comments to myself, I have been able to enrich my relationships with my husband and kids; I now earn money following my passion; I have attracted like-minded people into my life, and gone from taking 4 months to make $13,000.00 net profits to making that in one day with my home business.

I know for a fact that the effort of continuously reprogramming my thoughts and words to self is well worth it. For many, the missing key to success is porving to be self-love.

Love tips-02

Gone are the holiday seasons. You sure had a hard time thinking of what to give your loved ones, family and friends. But the spirit of giving is never over. As the brand new year starts, there will definitely be a lot of occasions and events that you will have to think of; birthdays, weddings, graduations, christening or anniversary. There are a lot and perhaps you have already given all the possible presents you can find from the mall. The question is what something new and fresh should you give in these coming occasions.

Your relatives and friends seem to have everything. You gave your wife a bunch of flowers last year and a box of perfume the other year. What could you give her this year? You gave your husband a tie on his birthday and a briefcase on your anniversary. What could you give him after he got promoted? You gave your sister an expensive bag on her birthday and a pair of shoes last Christmas. What can you give her on her graduation? You are certain that many people will give your friend kitchen utensils and home starter on her wedding. What difference can you make? This makes thinking of the presents more difficult. You definitely do not want to give something that seems not to be thought about. Each individual has his preference. Sometimes, it could be hard to guess this and in your mind, you always have the desire to satisfy your loved ones with what you gave them.

Gifts and novelties may also have the trend. They come and go some people seem to be attracted with these things. There were novelties that were once very popular but are not in anymore. But there are some that stay and the charm to touch someone̢۪s heart remain.

If you are having a hard time thinking of a perfect present for your loved ones and friends, grab for a piece of crystal. The charm crystal has never fades. People from all walks of life love crystal. Whatever shape or form the crystal is cut, the facets bring a uniqueness of their own. The light and the brightness the crystal reflects captivate people̢۪s eyes making them admire this piece.

Crystals come in different shapes and forms. You may find one that is cut in a human replica, angel, animals, certain figures but whatever form it takes, the innate beauty of crystals reflects through its prisms in different perspectives.

Hearing the word crystal makes one think of the price. Most people think that crystals are very expensive and for ordinary people, it seems so luxurious to give one as a present but there are many kinds of crystals that one can choose from. Not all are as expensive as you think. The most common and affordable now is the synthetic Swarovski crystal. Your imagination will really soar just by looking at the different colors this crystal reflects.

Another kind of crystal which

is perfect as a present in terms of price and beauty is the Cz crystal. This crystal comes in fine pieces and will definitely make your jaw drop in awe. These fine pieces of crystal are easy to form giving you a variety of figures to choose from.

Captivate your loved ones and friends with the beauty crystals bring. Show them how much you care for them and how much you love them by giving them something unique and different from the usual presents they receive.

You may also think of giving your loved ones and friends with presents made of glass. You may think of giving your sweetheart a lovely glass frame where he or she can put your photos together. Perhaps, you are thinking of giving your boss a beautiful figurine made of glass or your daughter an angel figurine. It may not be as expensive as crystal but it̢۪s as fabulous and beautiful.

Crystals and glasses are such a perfect for everyone. It̢۪s not only for your mother or father who means so much to you, or your wife or husband who you exchanged vows with. It̢۪s also a great present for your sister, brother, boss, colleague and friends. Just check the figures and try to match it with the personality of the person who is going to receive it. If you yourself is attracted to the beauty of these gifts, how much more the person trying to guess what̢۪s inside a beautifully wrapped box. Wait until they see what̢۪s inside!

Remember that a present is not only a statement of the person you are giving it to, it̢۪s also a powerful statement of who you are as a person giving it. The statements are in these kinds of presents. It will speak for you so if you̢۪re thinking of what a great present could be, give crystal or a unique glass. These presents are worth much more than they cost.

5 Ways To Supersize Your Life

McDonald’s does it, why shouldn’t you? Life is filled with choices; why not choose to live life in a more satisfying way.

1. Say Yes to Life. “Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact.” -Henry James

Saying yes to life allows wonderful blessings to come to you. Say yes to opportunity and success. Say yes to a life that you live by your standards. Say yes to making your own decisions and not seeking approval of others. Say yes to a fulfilling and rewarding career. Say yes to a relationship that energizes, supports and stimulates you. Say yes to a promising future. Say yes to living without guilt, resentment or regrets. Say yes to spending more time on your self improvement. Say yes to living an authentic life. Say yes to taking chances and freeing yourself from fear. Say yes to happiness and achievements. Say yes to a well-lived life.

2. Love Yourself and Others Unconditionally. "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude; it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.....” I Corinthians 13: 3, 5)

When was the last time you loved without hesitation or caution? Withholding love as a means of control only leads to distrust and resentment. Loving unconditionally means loving without judgment. Free yourself from unrealistic expectations and accept the person you for who they are. Do not expect your needs and wants to be fulfilled by someone else. Allow those you love to express themselves without fear of rejection. Do not punish yourself or loved ones for past mistakes. People use the word love very loosely, but do not stop to think of the implications of using the word. Take the time to be responsible in how you show love. Allow yourself to love and be loved.

3. Take Risks “There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Everything in life involves a risk. Are you allowing fear of rejection and failure to dictate your life? Fear inhibits success. Take chances and free yourself from limiting beliefs. Taking risks empowers you to take charge of your life. Be curious about life; experiment and try new things. Set goals for yourself and take action. Step out of what is safe, comfortable and familiar to you. Examine what feelings emerge when you are thinking about taking a risk. Ask yourself, “What am I afraid of?” Concealing yourself in a safe container prevents you from exploring other possibilities. Embrace the unknown and anticipate success. You will never know the outcome if you don’t take the risk.

4. Make the Impossible,

Possible “The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”- Winston Churchill

Think it can’t happen; then it won’t. It is possible to get through the difficult times in life. Learn from failures and take responsibility for your life. Listening to your inner critic can sabotage your dreams. Silence the critic by reaffirming all the things you are capable of doing. Dream big and be excited about your future. Find and release your untapped talents. Believe in your abilities and discover what you have to offer the world. Think about all the things you can’t do and try to do them. Think back to a time, when something was difficult and you were able to overcome the challenge. Continuing to live life in a safe container doesn’t help you gain anything in life. Take the necessary actions to achieve your goals. Stop assuming and start achieving!

5. Make Your Life Really Count. “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.” - Annie Dillard

What’s your legacy? How do you want to be remembered? The life you live defines who you are and the choices you make will determine what impact you will have on the lives of others. Never underestimate the power of your words and actions. You were uniquely created to make a contribution to the world. It is your right and your obligation to make your mark in this world. Surround yourself with people who are supportive, positive and encouraging. Show appreciation and gratitude to those around you. If you have a message to share, then share it with the world. Staying small and thinking small will not get you where you need to be in life. Starting today, have a new perspective on life. Start a new chapter in your life.

Love tips-01

Most men would like to become good lovers. However, you may not know how to become one. In fact, there are lots of things for men to learn in order to really become good lovers.

First of all, men should learn to listen to what women said. As a matter of fact women love to have communications with their partners, no matter it is on the bed or not. And women will feel more relaxed if you talk to them before sex. This will certainly lead to better sex.

Besides, most women will love men who kiss or touch their bodies gently. In fact, men should not rush in such cases and women really dislike men in this manner. And as most people advise, foreplay is very essential for women since it makes women feel good and relaxed. As a result, men should never forget the foreplay and just go straight to the intercourses.

A great lover also knows the body of a woman very well. He will know all the sensitive regions

of a woman. He also knows the ways to stimulate a woman and turn her on. In fact, most women will love men to kiss their necks and throats while being held from behind.

He should also pay attention to the woman during sex. He will listen to what the woman says, and also the sounds of the woman makes. He knows what the sounds mean. And if the woman makes no sound, he will also know what he should do. In fact, he will pay attention to all signals the woman makes and try to react to all these signals.

What a bad lover knows is only putting their penis into a woman. On the contrary, a good and great lover does not only know that. He will talk and communicate with her. Talking to her softly while having sex will help to give her the greatest pleasure. However, most men just do not know that and this makes the difference between a good and a bad lover.

So, next time when you date your woman, you should remember all the above. Remember to talk to her and communicate with her. Do not just ask if she is interested in having sex with you or not. They want to feel being connected with you. And try to enjoy all the moments when you two are being together. When you are having sex with her, remember your foreplay and do it slowly and gently. You will certainly get your reward and become a great lover.

What We Love About Satellite Tv

Satellite tv is known as a wireless system for delivering television programming directly to each viewer's house. It has now gone so far, where we can get clear signals, reliable transmission, less cost and several providers which guarantee that there is always something good to watch. It is now known to be the most loved by all couch potatoes all over United States.

Over the years, satellite tv gives us the access to scores of different informations from all over the globe. It also gives a lot of entertainment with countless range of sports, news and movie channels, both from national and international scenes. Satellite tv is considered to be the best source we can rely on for entertainment.

Now that satellite tv connection and subscription made easy, there is no need to think twice. Most of satellite tv providers offer free dishes, receivers and installations. To make a better quality reception transmission, satellite tv services are offered to clients, even if driving it away from obstruction of tv reception during rough weather. Satellite TV is a far better than cable tv because it is better to install a necessary equipment without paying any rentals which too is very expensive.

What makes satellite tv amazing is the number of channels available. Imagine watching tv shows for more than 100 to 300 numbers of channels to choose from. Which means that we can watch lots of local, foreign and international shows with just a simple click on your remote when you have channel surfing. Also, because there are times when we miss our favorite shows and that frustrate us, with DVR, we can record our favorite shows and we can watch them anytime we want. Satellite TV innovations are those unit with upgraded receivers that allows the consumer to play, rewind and pause live television and a much higher definition tv.

Satellite tv gives us variety of channels. One may enjoy watching comedy, drama, suspense and science

fiction kinds of movies while other would love to watch some of sports shows. Children always love watching their favorite cartoon shows and movies, and also channels of general knowledge and educative informations. It also gives us access to world of music, and it avails us music channels where we can listen to all types of favorites and watch our favorite music videos from our favorite music artists.

Aside from the good programming that satellite tv offers to us, it also offers a post-sale program. It has a 24/7 technical and customer support is provided to facilitate troubleshooting and technical emergencies in case the hardware crashes.

With all these good things and offers that satellite tv gives to its consumers, no wonder why many of us choose to have it over cable tv. It is not surprising at all to see people enjoying staying at home during weekends and holidays because of satellite tv. That is just what we always want, real entertainment for our family to enjoy and we found that only in satellite tv.

Meaning Of Yellow Roses

By Elizabeth Crosthon
To say I love you, call your favorite florist and arrange for a delivery of red-colored flowers. When ordering your flower delivery consider the history and meaning behind the flowers you choose. Different flowers and colors all have an interesting history and a unique sentiment.

As far back as Shakespeare we know plants and flowers had special meanings since Ophelia talks about \"rosemary for remembrance\" and other flowers in one of her speeches. The more modern meanings of flowers arose in the very proper and social restrictive Victorian era when everything was formal and a person could not just openly declare their intentions.

Writing a passionate love letter or flirting eye-to-eye was considered inappropriate, so bouquets of flowers often took their place. There were complex guides to the meanings of different types of flowers and their hues, so the recipient of a bouquet could translate the message behind the flowers sent.

Everyone has always loved giving and receiving armfuls of roses or floral centerpieces made up of only roses. We're all aware that red roses signify intense love, but blossoms of other hues have their own meanings. You can say you want to be a friend if you give pink roses, and the white blooms symbolize chastity, which makes them excellent for displaying during marriage ceremonies. When you put various colors together, decoding the significances becomes further complicated.

Yellow roses weren't available until the 18th century and before their discovery the only roses there were came in colors from white to red. At first, yellow roses were not thought of in a positive light and they were thought to represent fading love, envy

or infidelity. But other yellow flowers were thought to represent sunlight and happiness. Today people send yellow roses as messages of friendship, celebration and joy.

Yellow roses have special meaning to Texans, because of the well-known song, "The Yellow Rose of Texas." Though the "rose" in this popular old-time song is a beautiful woman, there was also a hybrid rose variety, called Harrison's Yellow, that was developed around the time as the first recordings of the song. It's possible that this new rose inspired the song. Whatever the case, Texans are still passionate about yellow roses today.

Love letter -12

Darling, my darling. One line in haste to tell you that I love you more today than ever in my life before, that I never see beauty without thinking of you or scent happiness without thinking of you. You have fulfilled all my ambition, realized all my hopes, made all my dreams come true.

You have set a crown of roses on my youth and fortified me against the disaster of our days. Your courageous gaiety has inspired me with joy. Your tender faithfulness has been a rock of security and comfort. I have felt for you all kinds of love at once.

I have asked much of you and you have never failed me. You have intensified all colours, heightened all beauty, deepened all delight. I love you more than life, my beauty, my wonder.

Duff Cooper, English politician, to Diana, his future


Love letter -11

I received your letter my ever dearest Maria, this morning. You know my anxious disposition too well not be aware how much I feel at this time. At the distance we are from each other every fear will obtrude itself on my mind. Let me hope that you are not really worse than your kindness, your affection, for me make you say...I think...that no more molestation will arise to the recovery of your health, which I pray for beyond every other blessing under heaven.

Let us...think only of the blessings that providence may yet have in store for us and that we may yet possess. I am happy in love--an affection exceeding a thousand times my deserts, which has continued so many years, and is yet undiminished...Never will I marry in this world if I marry not you. Truly can I say that for the seven years since I avowed my love for you, I have...foregone all company, and the society of all females (except my own relations) for your sake.

I am still ready to make my sacrifice for you...I will submit to any thing you may command me--but cease to respect, to love and adore you I never can or will. I must still think that we should have married long ago--we should have had many troubles--but we have yet had no joys, and we could not have starved...Your FRIENDS have never been without a hope of parting us and see what that has cost us both--but no more. Believe me, my beloved & ever dearest Maria, most faithfully yours, John

Love letter -10

You bid me write short to you and I have much to say. You also bade me believe that it was a fancy which made me cherish an attachment for you. It cannot be a fancy since you have been for the last year the object upon which every solitary moment led me to muse.

I do not expect you to love me, I am not worthy of your love. I feel you are superior, yet much to my surprise, more to my happiness, you betrayed passions I had believed no longer alive in your bosom. Shall I also have to ruefully experience the want of happiness? Shall I reject it when it is offered? I may appear to you imprudent, vicious; my opinions detestable, my theory depraved; but one thing, at least, time shall show you: that I love gently and with affection, that I am incapable of anything approaching to the feeling of revenge or malice; I do assure you, your future will shall be mine, and everything you shall do or say, I shall not question.

Love letter -09

I cannot keep myself from writing any longer to you dearest, although I have not had any answer to either of my two letters. I suppose your mother does not allow you to write to me. Perhaps you have not got either of my letters...I am so dreadfully afraid that perhaps you may think I am forgetting you.

I can assure you dearest Jeannette you have not been out of my thoughts hardly for one minute since I left you Monday. I have written to my father everything, how much I love you how much I long & pray & how much I wld sacrifice if it were necessary to be married to you and to live ever after with you.

I shall [not] get an answer till Monday & whichever way it lies I shall go to Cowes soon after & tell your mother everything. I am afraid she does not like me vy much from what I have heard...I wld do anything she wished if she only wld not oppose us. Dearest if you are as fond of me as I am of you...nothing human cld keep us long apart.

This last week has seemed an eternity to me; Oh, I wld give my soul for another of those days we had together not long ago...Oh if I cld only get one line from you to reassure me, but I dare not ask you to do anything that your mother wld disapprove of or has perhaps forbidden you to do... Sometimes I doubt so I cannot help it whether you really like me as you said at Cowes you did. If you do I cannot fear for the future tho' difficulties may lie in our way only to be surmounted by patience.

Goodbye dearest Jeannette. My first and only love...Believe me ever to be Yrs devotedly and lovingly,

Love letter -08

You will be sorry, and surprised, and puzzled, to hear what a queer illness I have had ever since you went. I sent for the doctor, and said, "Give me some medicine. for I'm tired." He said, "Nonsense and stuff! You don't want medicine: go to bed!"

I said, "No; it isn't the sort of tiredness that wants bed. I'm tired in the face." He looked a little grave, and said, "Oh, it's your nose that's tired: a person often talks too much when he thinks he knows a
great deal." I said, "No, it isn't the nose. Perhaps it's the hair." Then he looked rather grave, and said, "Now I understand: you've been playing too many hairs on the pianoforte."

"No, indeed I haven't!" I said, "and it isn't exactly the hair: it's more about the nose and chin." Then he looked a good deal graver, and said, "Have you been walking much on your chin lately?" I said, "No." "Well!" he said, "it puzzles me very much.

Do you think it's in the lips?" "Of course!" I said. "That's exactly what it is!"

Then he looked very grave indeed, and said, "I think you must have been giving too many kisses." "Well," I said, "I did give one kiss to a baby child, a little friend of mine."

"Think again," he said; "are you sure it was only one?" I thought again, and said, "Perhaps it was eleven times." Then the doctor said, "You must not give her any more till your lips are quite rested
again." "But what am I to do?" I said, "because you see, I owe her a hundred and eighty-two more." Then he looked so grave that tears ran down his cheeks, and he said, "You may send them to her in a box."

Then I remembered a little box that I once bought at
Dover, and thought I would someday give it to some little girl or other. So I have packed them all in it very carefully. Tell me if they come safe or if any are lost on the way."

Love letter -07

If tears, which you saw & know I am not apt to shed, if the agitation in which I parted from you, agitation which you must have perceived through the whole of this most nervous nervous affair, did not commence till the moment of leaving you approached, if all that I have said & done, & am still but too ready to say & do, have not sufficiently proved what my real feelings are & must be ever towards you, my love, I have no other proof to offer.

God knows I wish you happy, & when I quit you, or rather when you from a sense of duty to your husband & mother quit me, you shall acknowledge the truth of what I again promise & vow, that no other in word or deed shall ever hold the place in my affection which is & shall be most sacred to you, till I am nothing.

I never knew till that moment, the madness of -- my dearest & most beloved friend -- I cannot express myself -- this is no time for words -- but I shall have a pride, a melancholy pleasure, in suffering what you yourself can hardly conceive -- for you don not know me. -- I am now about to go out with a heavy heart, because -- my appearing this Evening will stop any absurd story which the events of today might give rise to -- do you think now that I am cold & stern, & artful -- will even others think so, will your mother even -- that mother to whom we must indeed sacrifice much, more much more on my part, than she shall ever know or can imagine.

"Promises not to love you" ah Caroline it is past promising -- but shall attribute all concessions to the proper motive -- & never cease to feel all that you have already witnessed -- & more than can ever be known but to my own heart -- perhaps to yours -- May God protect forgive & bless you -- ever & even more than ever.

No more shams -- a real love letter this time -- then I can breathe freely, and perhaps who knows begin to sit up and get well --

I haven't said 'kiss me' because life is too short for the kiss my heart calls for... All your words are as idle wind -- Look into my eyes for two minutes without speaking if you dare! Where would be
your 54 years? and my grandmother's heart? and how many hours would you be late for dinner?

-- If you give me one kiss and you can only kiss me if I say 'kiss me' and I will never say 'kiss me' because I am a respectable widow and I wouldn't let any man kiss me unless I was sure of the wedding ring –

Love quote-02

I have a thousand images of you in an hour; all different and all coming back to the same... And we love. And we've got the most amazing secrets and understandings. Noel, whom I love, who is so beautiful and wonderful. I think of you eating omlette on the ground. I think of you once against a sky line: and on the hill that Sunday morning.

And that night was wonderfullest of all. The light and the shadow and quietness and the rain and the wood. And you. You are so beautiful and wonderful that I daren't write to you... And kinder than God.
Your arms and lips and hair and shoulders and voice - you.

Love letter -06

Eight days have passed since I parted from f.f., and already it is as though I had been eight years away from her, although I can avow that not one hour has passed without her memory which has become such a close companion to my thoughts that now more than ever is it the food and sustenance of my soul; and if it should endure like this a few days more, as seems it must, I truly believe it will in every way have assumed the office of my soul, and I shall then live and thrive on the memory of her as do other men upon their souls, and I shall have no life but in this single thought.

Let the God who so decrees do as he will, so long as in exchange I may have as much a part of her as shall suffice to prove the gospel of our affinity is founded on true prophecy. Often I find myself recalling, and with what ease, certain words spoken to me, some on the balcony with the moon as witness, others at that window I shall always look upon so gladly, with all the many endearing and gracious acts I have seen my gentle lady perform--for all are dancing about my heart with a tenderness so wondrous that they inflame me with a strong desire to beg her to test the quality of my love.

For I shall never rest content until I am certain she knows what she is able to enact in me and how great and strong is the fire that her great worth has kindled in my breast. The flame of true love is a mighty force, and most of all when two equally matched wills in two exalted minds contend to see which loves the most, each striving to give yet more vital proof...

It would be the greatest delight for me to see just two lines in f.f.'s hand, yet I dare not ask so much. May your Ladyship beseech her to perform whatever you feel is best for me. With my heart I kiss your Ladyship's hand, since I cannot with my lips.

I love you no longer; on the contrary, I detest you. you are a wretch, truly perverse, truly stupid, a real Cinderella. You never write to me at all, you do not love your husband; you know the pleasure that your letters give him yet you cannot even manage to write him half a dozen lines, dashed off in a moment! What then do you do all day, Madame? What business is so vital that it robs you of the time to write to your faithful lover? What attachment can be stifling and pushing aside the love, the tender and constant love which you promised him? Who can this wonderful new lover be who takes up your every moment, rules your days and prevents you from devoting your attention to your husband?

Beware, Josephine; one fine night the doors will be broken down and there I shall be. In truth, I am worried, my love, to have no news from you; write me a four page letter instantly made up from those delightful words which fill my heart with emotion and joy. I hope to hold you in my arms before long, when I shall lavish upon you a million kisses, burning as the equatorial sun.

Love letter -05

My angel, my all, my very self -- only a few words today and at that with your pencil -- not till tomorrow will my lodgings be definitely determined upon -- what a useless waste of time. Why this deep sorrow where necessity speaks -- can our love endure except through sacrifices -- except through not demanding everything -- can you change it that you are not wholly mine, I not wholly thine?

Oh, God! look out into the beauties of nature and comfort yourself with that which must be -- love demands everything and that very justly -- that it is with me so far as you are concerned, and you with
me. If we were wholly united you would feel the pain of it as little as I!

Now a quick change to things internal from things external. We shall surely see each other; moreover, I cannot communicate to you the observations I have made during the last few days touching my own life -- if our hearts were always close together I would make none of the kind. My heart is full of many things to say to you - Ah! -- there are moments when I feel that speech is nothing after all -- cheer up -- remain my true, only treasure, my all as I am yours; the gods must send us the rest that which shall be best for us.

Love letter -04

The indications are very strong that we shall move in a few days -- perhaps tomorrow. Lest I should not be able to write you again, I feel impelled to write lines that may fall under your eye when I shall be no more.

Our movement may be one of a few days duration and full of pleasure -- and it may be one of severe conflict and death to me. Not my will, but thine 0 God, be done. If it is necessary that I should fall on the battlefield for my country, I am ready. I have no misgivings about, or lack of confidence in, the cause in which I am engaged, and my courage does not halt or falter. I know how strongly American Civilization now leans upon the triumph of the Government, and how great a debt we owe to those who went before us through the blood and suffering of the Revolution. And I am willing -- perfectly willing -- to lay down all my joys in this life, to help maintain this Government, and to pay that debt.

But, my dear wife, when I know that with my own joys I lay down nearly all of yours, and replace them in this life with cares and sorrows -- when, after having eaten for long years the bitter fruit of orphanage myself, I must offer it as their only sustenance to my dear little children -- is it weak or dishonorable, while the banner of my purpose floats calmly and proudly in the breeze, that my unbounded love for you, my darling wife and children, should struggle in fierce, though useless, contest with my love of country?

I cannot describe to you my feelings on this calm summer night, when two thousand men are sleeping around me, many of them enjoying the last, perhaps, before that of death -- and I, suspicious that Death is creeping behind me with his fatal dart, am communing with God, my country, and thee.

I have sought most closely and diligently, and often in my breast, for a wrong motive in thus hazarding the happiness of those I loved and I could not find one. A pure love of my country and of the principles have often advocated before the people and "the name of honor that I love more than I fear death" have called upon me, and I have obeyed.

Sarah, my love for you is deathless, it seems to bind me to you with mighty cables that nothing but Omnipotence could break; and yet my love of Country comes over me like a strong wind and bears me irresistibly on with all these chains to the battlefield.

The memories of the blissful moments I have spent with you come creeping over me, and I feel most gratified to God and to you that I have enjoyed them so long. And hard it is for me to give them up and burn to ashes the hopes of future years, when God willing, we might still have lived and loved together and seen our sons grow up to honorable manhood around us. I have, I know, but few and small claims upon Divine Providence, but something whispers to me -- perhaps it is the wafted prayer of my little Edgar -- that I shall return to my loved ones unharmed. If I do not, my dear Sarah, never forget how much I love you, and when my last breath escapes me on the battlefield, it will whisper your name.

Forgive my many faults, and the many pains I have caused you. How thoughtless and foolish I have oftentimes been! How gladly would I wash out with my tears every little spot upon your happiness, and struggle with all the misfortune of this world, to shield you and my children from harm. But I cannot. I must watch you from the spirit land and hover near you, while you buffet the storms with your precious little freight, and wait with sad patience till we meet to part no more.

But, O Sarah! If the dead can come back to this earth and flit unseen around those they loved, I shall always be near you; in the garish day and in the darkest night -- amidst your happiest scenes and gloomiest hours -- always, always; and if there be a soft breeze upon your cheek, it shall be my breath; or the cool air fans your throbbing temple, it shall be my spirit passing by.

Sarah, do not mourn me dead; think I am gone and wait for thee, for we shall meet again.

As for my little boys, they will grow as I have done, and never know a father's love and care. Little Willie is too young to remember me long, and my blue-eyed Edgar will keep my frolics with him among the dimmest memories of his childhood. Sarah, I have unlimited confidence in your maternal care and your development of their characters. Tell my two mothers his and hers I call God's blessing upon them. O Sarah, I wait for you there! Come to me, and lead thither my children.

Love letter -03

...should I draw you the picture of my heart it would be what I hope you would still love though it contained nothing new. The early possession you obtained there, and the absolute power you have obtained over it, leaves not the smallest space unoccupied.

I look back to the early days of our acquaintance and friendship as to the days of love and innocence, and, with an indescribable pleasure, I have seen near a score of years roll over our heads with an affection heightened and improved by time, nor have the dreary years of absence in the smallest degree effaced from my mind the image of the dear untitled man to whom I gave my heart.

Love quote-01

"Love me without fear / Trust me without questioning / Need me without demanding / Want me without restrictions / Accept me without change / Desire me without inhibitions." - Dick Sutphen

"There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness." - Nietzsche

"Love consists in this, that two solitudes protect and touch and greet each other." - Rainer Maria Rilke

"There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved." -George Sands

"The most precious possession that ever comes
To a man in this world
Is a woman's heart."
- by Josiah G. Holland

"My love for you is a journey;
Starting at forever,
And ending at never."
- anonymous quotation

"You're nothing short of my everything." - Ralph Block

"All that you are, all that I owe to you, justifies my love." - Marquis de Lafayette

"Thou art to me a delicious torment." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I tell you I love you every day for fear that tomorrow isn't another." - anonymous quotation

"There's this place in me where your fingerprints still rest, your kisses still linger, and your whispers softly echo. It's the place where a part of you will forever be a part of me." - Gretchen Kemp

"I never, till now, had a friend who could give me repose; all have disturbed me, and, whether for pleasure or pain, it was still disturbance. But peace overflows from your heart into mine." - Nathaniel Hawthorne, letter to Sophia Hawthorne

"She walks in beauty,
Like the night of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes."
- Byron

"We are each of us angels with only one wing. And we can only fly while embracing each other." - Lucian de Croszonza

"We lie in each other's arms eyes shut and fingers open and all the colors of the world pass through our bodies like strings of fire." - Marge Piercy

"Your words are my food, your breath my wine. You are everything to me." - Sarah Bernhardt

"I cannot exist without you. I am forgetful of everything but seeing you again. My life seems to stop there, I see no further. You have absorb'd me. I have a sensation at the present moment as though I were dissolving. I have been astonished that men could die martyrs for religion... I have shudder'd at it... I shudder no more. I could be martyr'd for my religion: Love is my religion. I could die for that. I could die for you. My creed is love, and you are its only tenet. You have ravish'd me away by a power I cannot resist." - letter written by John Keats

to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to give one's self... this is to have succeeded." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Whenever I have knocked, a door has opened. Wherever I have wandered, a path has appeared. I have been helped, supported, encouraged and nurtured by people of all races, creeds, colors and dreams." - Alice Walker, In Search of Our Mothers' Garden

"To love a person is to learn the song that is in their heart, and to sing it to them when they have forgotten." - Anonymous

"The more I give to thee, the more I have.'' - William Shakespeare

"What will survive of us is love.'' - Philip Larkin

"The mind determines what is possible. The heart surpasses it.'' - Pilar Colinta

"Give your hands to serve and your hearts to love.'' - Mother Teresa

"I am in love - and, my God, it is the greatest thing that can happen to a man. I tell you, find a woman you can fall in love with. Do it. Let yourself fall in love. If you have not done so already, you are wasting your life." - D. H. Lawrence

"Within your heart, keep one still, secret spot where dreams may go." - Louise Driscoll

"The most wasted day is that in which we have not laughed." - Chamfort

"Maybe love is like luck. You have to go all the way to find it." - Robert Mitchum

"Love is everything it's cracked up to be. That's why people are so cynical about it...It really is worth fighting for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you don't risk everything, you risk even more." - Erica Jong

"At last you kissed me, I could die in waves again, and one good lick of quicksand took..." - Heather McHugh

"Where love is, no room is too small." - Talmud

"Speak to him, for there is none born wise." - Ptahhotpe

"We can only learn to love by loving." - Iris Murdoch

"Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale." - anonymous

Love poem-01

"Paradise is always where love dwells." - Jean Paul F. Richter

"If I know what love is, it is because of you." - Herman Hesse

"Once in awhile, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale." - anonymous quotation

"Till I loved I never lived—enough." - Emily Dickenson

"O happy hours when I may once more encircle within these arms the dearest object of my love- when I shall again feel the pressure of that 'aching head' which will delight to recline upon my bosom, when I may again press to my heart which palpitates with the purest affection that loved one who has so long shared its undivided devotion." - Alexander Hamilton Rice

"The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman's

Love poem

"First romance, first love, is something so special to all of us, both emotionally and physically, that it touches our lives and enriches them forever." - Rosemary Rogers

"First love is a little foolish and a lot of curiosity."- George Bernard Shaw

"The magic of first love is our ignorance that it can never end." - Benjamin Disraeli

"We never forget those who make us blush." - Jean-François De La Harpe

"Young love is from the earth, and late love is from heaven." - Turkish Proverb

"First love is dangerous only when it is also the last." - Branislav Nusic

"Sex is something I really don't understand too hot.

Love letter -02

I love the way you look at me, Your eyes so bright and blue. I love the way you kiss me, Your lips so soft and smooth. I love the way you make me so happy, And the ways you show you care. I love the way you say, "I Love You," And the way you're always there. I love the way you touch me, Always sending chills down my spine. I love that you are with me, And glad that you are mine.

A gentle word like a spark of light, Illuminates my soul And as each sound goes deeper, It's YOU that makes me whole There is no corner, no dark place, YOUR LOVE cannot fill And if the world starts causing waves, It's your devotion that makes them still And yes you always speak to me, In sweet honesty and truth Your caring heart keeps out the rain, YOUR LOVE, the ultimate roof So thank you my Love for being there, For supporting me, my life I'll do the same for you, you know, My Beautiful, Darling Wife.

Love letter -01

A special world for you and me A special bond one cannot see It wraps us up in its cocoon And holds us fiercely in its womb. Its fingers spread like fine spun gold Gently nestling us to the fold Like silken thread it holds us fast Bonds like this are meant to last. And though at times a thread may break A new one forms in its wake To bind us closer and keep us strong In a special world, where we belong.

My love, I have tried with all my being to grasp a form comparable to thine own, but nothing seems worthy; I know now why Shakespeare could not compare his love to a summer�s day. It would be a crime to denounce the beauty of such a creature as thee, to simply cast away the precision God had placed in forging you. Each facet of your being whether it physical or spiritual is an ensnarement from which there is no release. But I do not wish release. I wish to stay entrapped forever. With you for all eternity. Our hearts, always as one.

If I could have just one wish, I would wish to wake up everyday to the sound of your breath on my neck, the warmth of your lips on my cheek, the touch of your fingers on my skin, and the feel of your heart beating with mine... Knowing that I could never find that feeling with anyone other than you.

Monday, June 9, 2008

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Friday, June 6, 2008

love latter

You are a part of my being. You mix with my thoughts, even the most studious, and instead of disturbing them, you give them greater harmony and spirit. My mind demands to think of you as my body breathes for only you. I no longer control this simple task of exhaling, I�m certain that your love allows me to survive. A solemn passion is conceived in my heart; it leans to you, raws you to my center and springs to life, wrapping my existence around you. I do not easily surrender my heart, yet it has been yours from the beginning.

You have become a necessity in my life and I know that I love you. I love our private world, free of limitations and full of expectations. Our place where we can express emotions so full of life they burst into a million stars, lighting up the heavens where love is born. You will always be able to take me to that place and I will always cherish it. When your eyes meet mine, it is as if your soul passes into me. I cannot wait for the time when, finally, in my sleep I reach for you, I find you near and submit myself to my dreams knowing your love will be there in the morning. I have never known such a beautiful and flawless happiness as this love you give to me. You overwhelm me and you exhaust me. I am so much in love with you.

How to write love latter see an example

There are no words to express how I feel about you. I constantly search for the words, and they all seem less than I truly feel. You are my life, my heart, and my soul. You are my best friend. You are my one true love. I still remember the day we first met. I knew that you were the one I was meant to be with forever. As the years went by and we drifted apart, I still held onto the memory of you. I thought of you everyday, and dreamed of you each night. Just when I thought you had forgotten me, you would call and make all my dreams seem real. The sound of your voice on the line was the sweetest sound I would ever find.

I need to show you, that you were the best. So I made the decision to tell you how I feel. When you said you felt the same, I felt it was a dream. I packed up my stuff and altered my life. I never looked back, now you will make me your wife. I am on a cloud, living in a dream, and a few days from now, it will really feel real.

I have said it before and I will say it again, words cannot express how you make me feel. I make this promise to you my dear, to love you the way that you love me.

Love poem

“I have seen women trying to find in young men

The durable qualities which grace the man of full power,
The beauty, the enjoyment, the reserve, the strength,
The full-formed member providing a lengthened coition,
A heavy crupper, a slowly coming emission,
A lightsome chest, as it were floating upon them;
The spermal ejaculation slow to arrive, so as
To furnish forth a long drawn-out enjoyment.
His member soon to be prone again for erection,
To ply the plane† again and again and again on their vulvas,

Such is the man whose cult gives pleasure to women,
And who will ever stand high in their esteem.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

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Sunday, June 1, 2008

Love VS Sex Completely free Love,Friendship & Adult Dating site,Free Love SMS friends are waiting for u. create your own profile totally free.

Love SMS

1/Some feelng r arises when we fall in love, some dream r arises when we fall in love,bt dnt break any heart cz of relation of heart beat

2/There are times when I fall in love with someone new, but I always seem to find myself back in love with you.

3/I wish my eyes could speak what my heart feels for you, coz my lips can lie on what is true. My eyes couldn't coz even if I close them I could still see you.

4/When we are apart, time goes very slowly.
A second feels like a minute.
A minute feels like an hour.
An hour feels like a day.
A day feels like a week.
A week feels like a month
A month feels like a year.
But our love for each other grows stronger, no matter how long we are apart

5/As your views love is something but as for me love is everything & u r my everything.i love u sooooooooooooooo much

6/what is love......what is ......... what is...........
just a great feeling....which is also became very danger.......if your love is not with
be care ful

7/There's a warmth in my heart. It haunts me when U R gone. Mend me 2 ur side and never let go. The more I live The more I know, wat's simple is true, I love you.

8/some promises are always unspoken some memories are always unwritten feel the magic of true relation u will know that sme words are always unspoken LOVE

9/Sometimes my eyes get jealouse of my Heart! You Know Why? Bcoz.. you always remain close to my HEART n far from my EYES.

10/Love is a sweet posion for true love..who kills the true lover slowly, slowly & slowly..

11/Every second is a moment in time & I've experienced quite a variety of them.But none can ever surpass or be as important as a moment with you.

12/One beautiful heart is better than thousand beautiful faces!so plz look for beautyful minds not for beautyful faces

So, choose people having beautiful hearts rather than beautiful faces.
13/The one thing in life that hurts most is to know the one person you'd die to be with, could only be with you in heaven.
14/I luv ur eyes, i luv ur smile, i cherish ur ways, i adore ur style. Wat can i say, ur 1 of a kind and 24/7 ur on my mind

15/We've known each other,
For a long long time,
But I never really noticed,
All the magic in your eyes,
I've been around you,
A thousand times before,
And you've always been a friend to me,
But now I'm wanting more

16/They say everybody is 1 time somebody's fool. Since u r so beautiful, warn & charming, what a lucky fool i am.

17/love its a pain there is no doctor that can explain it,it tackles the heart and affects the brain.

18/To love is one thing...and to be loved is an other thing...but to be loved bye the one you love is everything

19/• Don't luv the luv unless the luv luvs u & if the luv luvs u, luv the luv in such a way that it doesn't luv anybody else!

20/Beauty doesn't make love
love makes
Break everything
Never Break the Heart!!
Heart is the Muisic
never play WITh it!

21/I luv ur eyes, i luv ur smile, i cherish ur ways, i adore ur style. Wat can i say, ur 1 of a kind and 24/7 ur on my mind

22/Your love matters so much, more than anythin else to me, for, in your arms, I find everything elseEverything I dreamed about and wished for I findfulfillment of my every sense, every feeling and there's this divine discovery OF MY VERY OWNSELF, IN YOU

23/if i would know that i m gonna die tomorrow, i'll spend 23 hours with u and if u wonder what about the last that i;ll find someone who can take care of you always...miss u...

My Brain is tired 2 think.
Eyes r tired 2 see.
Lips r tired 2 speak.
Hands r tired 2 work.
Feet r tired 2 walk.

But my Heart is never been tired 2 loveng u.

25/ In LOVE, very rarely do we win but when love is TRUE,even if you lose, you still win just for having the privilege of loving SOMEONE more than YOURSELF.

26/distance cant separate any one time cant bind any 1 if felling r true in heart just close ur eye and u can find any one

27/Wish 4 " U "
Great start 4 Monday
No Obstacles 4 Tuesday
No stress 4 Wednesday
No worry 4 Thursday
Smile 4 Friday
Party 4 Saturday
& Great fun 4 Sunday
"Have a beautiful and smart week."

=>Alwayz Be Careful
=>Don't Ever Forget (me)
=>Just Keep LOVE Me

=>No Other Person Quite Right Shall Treat U Very Wel

29/Take care is the sweetest form of love.When someone say takecare it is as good as saying i will keep u in my heart till its last takecare
30/There's a love that only you can give
a smile that only your lips can show
a twinkle that can only be seen in your eyes
and a life of mine that only you can complete.
31/if u really love somebody but he doesnt really love u even if it hurts u to let him go u should maybe next time u will have a better chance!!!

32/One day youll ask me: whats more important to you, me or your life? ill say my life and youll go and leave without even knowing that you are my life.
33/ Luv is something,dat no one can hate
luv is passion, v find in our mate,
luv can happen anytime,early or late,
luv is medicine with expiry date

34/heart can be stop beat 4 a while memories can be kept in a file desert can replace a mile but nothing can stop my smile when your name comes on my mobile

35/I wish my eyes could speak what my heart feels for you, coz my lips can lie on what is true. My eyes couldn't coz even if I close them I could still see you.

36/i wrote your name in the sky but wind blue it away,
i wrote your name in the sand but waves washes it away, i wrote your name in my heart but it will stay forever.


38/Mountain can fly, Rivers can dry
Ypu can forget me ,But naver can I

39/U know, What is the Diffrence between U and Blood, Blood Comes to the Heart and goes outside, But U come into My Heart and Stay there forever

40/ am not a writer to write to beautiful words for U,Nor a poet to write Poetry on You. All I am is an ordinary man Who loves u XTRA ORDINARILY.

41/I may be innocent to know what love is, I may not show it to you. I may not love you the way it should be, but Im always willing to love u the way i understand it

42/Touch my heart & u’ll feel,
Listen to my heart & u’ll hear,
Look into my heart & u’ll see,
That u’ll always be a special part of me.

43/LOVE is something beautiful,a desire, a feeling that one would like to catch. LOVE is the feeling that makes you feel alive. LOVE is something that may never go away!

44/what is love? dont ask the person who loves some1 but ask the person who have lost some1.

45/Heart is like a crystal, preserve it.
Love is like perfume, spread it.
Feelings are like flood, flow it.
Friendship is like an umbrella, come lets share it.

46/Ask my eyes to stop looking at you...
Ask my brain to stop thinking about you..
Ask my imagination to stop dreaming about you..
Ask my heart to stop beating..
ask me everything..
But don't u ever stop me from loving you

47/We are like PENCIL,best part of us is inside,We make marks as we touch others lives,we make mistakes,we erase but we become better as we are sharpned...

48/How 2 fall in love:
1. fall but dnt stumble;
2. b consistnt nt persistnt;
3. understnd but dnt demand;
4. share & nevr b unfair;
5. Hurt but never keep d pain.

49/BEAUTY doesn't make love but love makes BEAUTY ;
BREAK everything but never BREAK the HEART;
hEART is the music, PLAY it but never play WITH it

50/Laugh like U've never cried.
Play Like U've never lost.
Love like U've never been hurt
& Live Like there is no TOMORROW,
Have a Nice Day!!!!

51/Some people have nice eyes,
Some have nice smiles & others have nice faces..
But You have all of them with a nice HEART… thats why ...I MIS U TOO MUCH..........

52/Take my eyes but let me see U...
Take my mind but let me Think about U...
Take my Hand but let me Touch U...
But don't try to take my Heart
coz its already with U....

53/In life Luv is never planned nor does it happen for a reason. But when Luv is real, it becomes ur Plan for life and ur reason for living.

54/ love is head but very sweat.
too her meat and love is complet

55/In spite the distance between us I can’t resist …..thinking of u….Wanting u…Dreaming about u …Loving u. I miss u :o(

56/Someone asked what makes people happy. Some said wealth and some said fame. I was thinking about this when my cell phone beeped and received a text from you. Then, I smiled and said: "This makes me happy."

57/How can u tell the rain not 2 fall when clouds exist? How can u tell the leaves not 2 fall when the wind exists? How can u tell me not 2 fall in love when u exist?


59/Be careful to whom u give ur heart bcoz when u give ur heart to some1
u r not only giving that person the right to love but also the power to hurt u...

60/They told me I could do anything if I put my mind into it. Yet no matter how hard I try in all that I do, I just can't take my mind off you.

61/Can I say I love you today? If not, can I ask you again tomorrow? And the day after tomorrow? And the day after that? Coz I love u everyday

62/Ah-- I forgot your name. Can I call you mine? And, in case you forget my name too, call me yours!

63/love is like a war try to win it
and when u win it u feel that love is life

64/If it is meant to be, our hearts will find each other when we meet. And if our hearts melt together so will our bodies and souls. Then every word and every touch will fuel our passion flame. I will be yours, you will be mine, and we will be one."

65/Last night i am try to sleep and thinking about you and it happend you came in my dream and say oh god i try to but your thinking disturbing me.....

66/In life, we have a lot
to lose and very little
2 choose..Whenever u
get a chance 2
choose, do it wisely n
see that U R never
gonna lose wat U

67/In life, we have a lot
to lose and very little
2 choose..Whenever u
get a chance 2
choose, do it wisely n
see that U R never
gonna lose wat U

68/My dear let us re-concile,
all our errors and total the
trial balance of our affairs
arithmetically without maintaining
any suspense account.

that there will
always be
remember u everyday
or without
or calls!
LV U(",)

70/Luv meanz to see someone with closed eyez,
to miss some1 in crowd,
2 find some1 in every thought,
to live 4 some1, luv some1, but sure tht sum1 is ONLY one!

71/Luv meanz to see someone with closed eyez,
to miss some1 in crowd,
2 find some1 in every thought,
to live 4 some1, luv some1, but sure tht sum1 is ONLY one!

72/When U miss somebody a LOT,
when U want somebody a LOT,
just stay away a little longer...,
cuz staying away brings U close a LOT.
73/to love someone is madness. to be loved by someone is a gift. loving someone who loves u is duty.but being loved by someone whom u love is life

74/Fish said to water :-U dont ever see my tears,Bcoz I am in the water. Water Replies:-But I can feel ur tears,Bcoz u r in my heart......Thats true LOVE....

75/I need no jewels they can be sold,Ur heart glitters better then GOLD... Pure is ur soul as a baby at birth,And I need no heaven when u r on earth..

76/Somone asked me for how long i will like u.....i remained silent b'coz i didnt know-which one is longer,"always"or"forever".

77/If every one forgets u,iam with u, if every 1 lets u down iam with u, if every 1 betrays u iam still with u, But if every 1 likes u sorry iam with them......

78/m feeling so happy, do u know why? cuz i m so lucky, do u know how? cuz God loves me.Do u know how? cuz he gave me a gift. Do u know what? its YOU my love.

79/why we close our eyes, when we pray, when we cry, when we dream, when we kiss, because the most wonderfull things in life r unseen and felt only by the heart

80/love its a pain there is no doctor that can explain it,it tackles the heart and affects the brain.

81/love its a pain there is no doctor that can explain it,it tackles the heart and affects the brain.

82/Look left
Look right
Look back
I am not there
Look into ur heart
U will find me there in form of sweet remeberies

83/Don't find love, let love find you. That's why it's
called falling in love, because you don't force
yourself to fall, you just fall.

84/at night,look at the sky,if you see a falling star,dont wonder why,justmake a wish,Trust me,it will come true,because i did it and i found you

85/Never ask 4 a kiss, just take it.
Never give a hug, ask 4 it.
Never ask do u luv me, first say I luv u.
Never say I cant live without u, say I live for u.

86/1. Eyes + Eyes = Inspiration
2. Inspiration + smile = Attraction
3. Attraction + Talk = Laugh
4. Laugh + Time = Friendship
5. Friendship + Sms = Likening
6. Likening + Meeting = Love
7. Love + ………. = ……..

87/Life is 4 u, Death is 4 me.
Being Happy is 4 u, Being Sad is 4 me.
Being together is 4 u, Being lonelyis 4 me.
Every thing is 4 u, But U R 4 ME.

88/If i were to be anything in this world...I'd be ur tears!!!...So,I can be conceived in ur heart,born in ur eyes,live on ur cheeks & die on ur lips!!!!!

89/Love starts with a smile,grows with a kiss and end with is just a burning cigarette,starts with a flash and end with ash..

90/when you love someone,its nothing.when someone love you ,its something.when you love someone & thay loved back,its everything

91/Never rush in love for it never runs out. Let love be the one to knock at your door, so by the time you start to fall, you know that your feeling is for sure.

92/one heart one love so there sholud be only one person for love

93/They learned me that one hours equals 60 minutes and that one minute equals 60 seconds, but they never told me that one second without you can last for ever!

94/Lonely? no, how can I be lonely when you are always in my thoughts. I wake up with you and go to sleep with you. I love you

95/Accidents do happen.i slip- i trip- i stumble- i fall & usually i dont care at all. but now i dont know what to do cos i slipped and fell in love with u
96/U r only mine when i dream.when i wake i wanna scream.u r not mine im all alone.i can only text u on my dreams lie or r they true-i hope so cos i want u!

97/Never WasTe an OppOrtuniTy 2 sAy 'I LoVe U' to Someone u ReaLLy Like, Coz it is noT EvEryDaY u'll mEEt tHe PerSoN WhO hAs tHe MaGic 2 lEt u fAll iN love...

98/I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you

99/True love doesn’t have a happy ending, because true love never ends.
letting go is one way of saying i love you

100/Love is not finding someone to live with, It’s finding someone you can’t live without.

101/Love is directly proportional to Life and inversely proportional to Death. Love only one who love u throughout ur life.... Mohsin

102/Luv not one, Luv not two Luv done who luvs u true,

Luv not three, Luv not four Luv done who luvs u more,

Luv not five, Luv not six Luv
done who really sticks,

Luv not seven, Luv not eight Luv done who really waits.

103/If I love you is only three words, why is it worth a milion? Because you know love will be miracles

A Sparrow was in love with awhite rose...
onefine day this sparrow proposed the whit rose..
The white rose told when She turns red She ll love him..
Sparrow slowly spreads hisblood on the white rose and it turns red and fell in love
But the sparrow is no more....

105/What is LOVE???Those who dont like it-Call it responsibility..,Those who play it-Call it game...Those who dont have it-Call it destiny...,And me I call it---U

106/Take my eyes but let me see U...Take my mind but let me Think about U...Take my Hand but let me Touch U...But don't try to take my Heart coz its already with U....

107/dOnT sEtTlE 4 da oNe u cAn lIvE wItH ....
wAiT fOr da oNe U cAn nEvEr lIve wItHoUt..;-)

108/To love is one thing...and to be loved is an other thing...but to be loved bye the one you love is everything
together forever. I can't wait 2 hold u in my arms again!

109/love is like a cd track that links our hearts together and if you ever break that cd you will break my heart.

110/if a kiss was a raindrop i'd send u showers,if a hug was a second i' send u hours.if a smile was a water id send u sea. if love was a person i' send u me!

111/There r 4 champers in my hrt...
1 for GOD...
1 for my Papa...
1 for my Mama...
1 for my lifepartner..
sorry..there is no chamber 4 u in my hrt coz u r my hrt beats...

112/When u feel alone just look @ the spaces b/w ur fingers, remember that, in those spaces u can see my fingers, locked with urs 4ever!!!

113/3 words made my heart beat faster, 3 words made my legs shake 3 words made my head spin, 3 words: I love you!

114/Far away from here, totally inaccessible. That is where you are. Here next to me, within reach. That is where you are. Whereever you go or when, you will always be near me.

115/My love, words however special ... could never even start, to tell you all the love I have for you within my heart!!!

116/The moment I first saw you, you warmed my heart, the second time you made little flames and now you make my heart burn like hell !

117/Lonely? no, how can I be lonely when you are always in my thoughts. I wake up with you and go to sleep with you. I love you!!

118/I feel something in my heart, it's like a little flame, every time I see you, this flame lights up, this flame is special for you, because I LOVE YOU!...

119/Words however special... could never even start, to tell you all the love I have for you within my heart.

120/What is a flower without the sun, what is the earth without the sky. What am I without you, that is why I tell you … I love you

121/Love... I want to hold you close to me and feel our hearts beat as one … forever

122/The sky is full of golden stars shining in the light of the moon, but the most beautiful light I see is in your eyes ..

123/When a heart is the sign of love ,and red the colour ...and when walking around with your head in the clouds means that one is in love..Why do I draw a line in blue and am I only thinking of you ?

124/There are thousands of roses on this world, even if I gave you every rose to you, that would not be enough to tell you how much I love you!

125/There Were Times You Make Me Cry... Looking 4 A Reason Why... There Were Times You Make Me Fly...Stay With Me Until I Die...Stay With Me...

126/There are a lot of birds wispering only about you, you should once listen to them, then you would know how much I love you.

127/That I love you is no wonder. But the fact that you care about me, that is very special.

128/If I die and go to heaven, I put your name on a golden star. So that all the angels can see how much you mean to me !! I love you

129/The one thing in life that hurts most is to know the one person you'd die to be with, could only be with you in heaven.

130/D33p !n my h3art, I'm suffering, knowing that I've lost you. On the outside, I'm living, pretending that I've forgotten you..

131/On a silent night wen u r alone i think of u...A silent night,A silent tear,A silent wish u were here wid ME!!

there r four meaning of love.
L;land of sorrow....
O;oceans of tears...
V;victory of death..
E;end of life.......
(so don,t love with any one in life if u want to save ur life...G . o . Mirza......

133/Where were you before you came camping in my heart??? You started a fire and now my heart is filled with flames !!!

134/keep love in your hear. a life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowere are dead.

135/We've known each other,
For a long long time,
But I never really noticed,
All the magic in your eyes,
I've been around you,
A thousand times before,
And you've always been a friend to me,
But now I'm wanting more

136/love is just like a ice-cream enjoy it before is life , life is wife , wife is problem , problem in children
